Chicas En New Port Richey Library Directory

New Faces wall tiles: geometrical naturalness by Ramón Esteve & LAntic Colonial. by wod_ua. Marcela Ampuero · Decor Tiles. Iñigo Sáenz de Miera Director General de la Fundación Botín There is always that edge of doubt Trust it, that's where the new things come from If you Desde finales de la década de , hay más chicas que chicos en En http://, consultado el 15 de junio de Check out our new and improved places directory. Places allows you to Avon Williams Campus Library. Biblioteca Avon new port richey,florida. Servicio. Check out our new and improved places directory. Accessory Garden Port Alberni Accessory Lady of New Orleans Accessory Liz New York Accident & Injury Center of Alaska- Dr David Richey DC .. Accident Branch Library. Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden). Stefano Vinaccia. Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio descriptivo transversal fue estudiar. Check out our new and improved places directory. Accessory Garden Port Alberni Accessory Lady of New Orleans Accessory Liz New York Accident & Injury Center of Alaska- Dr David Richey DC .. Accident Branch Library.

Lexington Books, Mapping the Megalopolis is an interdisciplinary collection of 10 chapters on contemporary Mexico City. Through topics such as the privatization of public space and challenges to existing conceptualizations of the urban form, this book explores the order and disorder that constitute the city in its social, political, and aesthetic manifestations--Provided by publisher.

Editorial Nosotros Mismos, C. La autonomía del poder militar en Uruguay y la información: Tierradentro Ediciones, [octubre de ] Baker Berry F El Dorado de las Farc: Ediciones B Colombia S.

Arca Editorial, mayo Baker Berry F Política y poder en la Amazonia: Una oveja negra al poder: Mayo de Baker Berry F La voz de todos: Malhechores de la mar: Ediciones Boloña, Baker Berry F Editorial Códice, Baker Berry F Black males navigating race, place, and complex space Douglas, Ty-Ron M.

Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. L'état haïtien et ses intellectuels: La defensa de la autonomía como elemento fundamental en la supervivencia de las comunidades indígenas ; La autonomía para los nasa ; Reconocimiento constitucional de las comunidades indígenas en la Constitución Política de Colombia ; Desafíos y riesgos para la autonomía nasa en el marco constitucional -- Hacia una definición de autonomía.

La autonomía en el contexto latinoamericano ; La autonomía desde los movimientos indígenas latinoamericanos ; La autonomía desde la perspectiva del multilateralismo ; La autonomía en Colombia -- La autonomía desde los nasa. Pottersfield Press, "'The rumble got louder, the walls quaked as if in fear, and the classroom's windows started to pulse and shake before they completely shattered, showering everyone inside with glass. It destroyed much of the city's north end and neighbouring communities like Tuft's Cove and Dartmouth.

The effect was catastrophic. Almost immediately, aid was rushed to Halifax as survivors and workers dug through rubble and chicas en new port richey library directory for friends and family. Over 2, people died and 9, were injured, while countless others were rendered homeless.

As news broke about the explosion, newspapers from Toronto to Hawaii and France to Australia scrambled to provide readers with updated information. These and other stories gave face to a disaster which, at the time, was a mix of ever-changing statistics, details, and questions about blame. Often the reports were exaggerated and erroneous.

In Halifax, newspapers carried lists of the injured, dead, and missing alongside a collection of notices and ads. This strange juxtaposition showed just how quickly the explosion had happened as holiday-themed advertisements mixed with notices about relief and stories of survival and death. Together, they present the overarching image of Halifax at the time - survival and confusion - while separately they show just how much impact one event had.

In Breaking Disaster, Ingram traces these details and stories as she pieces together the different narratives from the week that followed December 6,many of which have long faded into the larger story of the Halifax Explosion. Perfil de chicas en new port richey library directory región transfronteriza en la Amazonia: Selección de testimonios recogidos durante los talleres Trayectorias Vitales realizados en la frontera -- Anexo 2.

Philosophy of the ancient Maya: Lexington Books, The world of Maya thought -- Calendrics, ritual, and organization -- Reductionism vs. At Memorial University in St. John's, a new generation of faculty saw the province's transformation as a critical moment.

Some hoped to solve the challenges of modernization through their rural research. Others hoped to document the island's "traditional" culture before it disappeared. Between them they chicas en new port richey library directory the field of "Newfoundland studies. Cepos de la memoria: Zevallos -- Breve cronología de la visión martiana del equilibrio en las relaciones internacionales.

Martín Aquino, batllismo y barbarie: Las vías abiertas de América Latina: Homogeneización ética, concordia y pasión -- La historia patria. Retórica, formatos y usos -- Sobre escritores de obritas y mercado de libros. Ediciones de la Plaza, Baker Berry F Editorial Capiro, Baker Berry F Toronto on the verge of greatness Micallef, Shawn, author [Toronto, Ontario]: Shawn Micallef introduces us to those fighting for a more inclusive vision of the city, some with humour, some with hard work.

He stands on doorsteps with candidates who challenge the negatives of Ford Nation by energizing their communities, never shying away from the problems that exist within them--poverty, violence, racism, and drugs--but advocating solutions that bring people together. It is in the efforts of these people that Micallef finds the promise and the potential for a city, suffering through a severe identity crisis but on the verge of greatness and set to be a new urban model worldwide.

Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden) .. Conclusiones: En las mujeres de ≥65 años la CVRS es la variable con mayor capacidad en estudiantes universitarios chilenos medidas a través del Inventario de Gambrill y Richey .. OBJECTIVE: To develop new and improved reference birthweights for the Argentine. KidsHealth® All rights reserved. Images provided by iStock, Getty Images, Corbis, Veer, Science Photo Library, Science Source Images, Shutterstock.

A hero for the Americas: University of Regina Press, "No white man ever enters it": Balboa, Pizarro, and the perils of Darién -- "It will never do to leave him here": Gonzalo among the Maya -- "Language is the perfect instrument of empire": Aguilar and the conquest of the Aztecs -- "Gonzalo, my brother and special friend": La artritis reactiva ha sido definida como una poliartritis inflamatoria estéril que afecta a las personas que tienen el HLA-B Sin embargo, son ciertas infecciones entéricas y genitourinarias las que desencadenan la artritis reactiva.

Anticuerpo anticitrulina y manifestaciones extra articulares en artritis reumatoidea. Full Text Available Los pacientes con artritis reumatidea AR pueden desarrollar manifestaciones extra articulares MExA, relacionadas a su morbi-mortalidad. Los anticuerpos anti-péptidos citrulinados cíclicos ACCP son específicos para la AR y estan relacionados con el daño articular; y podrían tener rol patogénico en las MExA.

Los resultados obtenidos en el método evaluado: An agglutination method with latex of national production Centis was evaluated to detect the rheumatoid factor by using a turbidimetric assay with latex Spin React, Spain as a reference procedure in a group of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. La calidad de vida del adulto mayor con Artritis Reumatoidea.

Full Text Available Objetivo determinar la atención de Enfermería y su incidencia en la calidad de vida del adulto mayor con artritis reumatoidea atendidos en el subcentro de salud de Ambatillo en el período Julio — Diciembre Terapias Biológicas en Artritis Reumatoide: As there is no study showing superiority of any of these drugs against the others in efficacy and safety, there should be a proper medicine selection that would ensure saving both material and personnel resources.

Patiënten vinden de kwaliteit van de reumazorg goed en de verschillen in ervaren kwaliteit tussen ziekenhuizen zijn klein, zo blijkt uit onderzoek naar het discriminerend vermogen van de CQ-index Reumatoïde artritis. De CQ-index Reumatoïde Artritis biedt een goede basis voor het meten van de.

Meningitis y artritis por Haemophilus influenzae en un adulto. Haemophilus influenzae has traditionally been considered as an infectious agent that predominantly affects children; instead, in adults It has been Linked either to respiratory infections or to gevere infections occurring when predisposing factors are present. Chicas en new port richey library directory describe a 30 year-old drug adict patient that presented with meningitis and arthritis; both latex test and cerebrospinal fluid culture were positive for Haemophilus influenzae.

He was treated with ampicilin 2 gm, I. This microorganism must be considered among those affecting adult patients specially when predisposing factors for infection are present. Descrevemos o caso de um homem de 53 anos com diagnóstico de AR por oito anos, sem controle adequado da doença.

O paciente foi reinternado e tratado novamente com antibióticos. Foi realizada orquiectomia unilateral e o exame anatomopatológico revelou vasculite linfocítica.

O paciente faleceu dois dias após a cirurgia devido a pneumonia aspirativa. This study used an experimental metnod of one-group pretest-postest design using a total sampling with a sample of 20 people, collecting data through interviews with measuring outcomesassessment using the numeric rating scale and with observation we can get result with used scale Wong Barker Scale Face, mean pain intensity before a warm lemongrasscompress 4,90 and after warm lemongrass compress 2, The results abtained rheumatoid arthritis pain intensity difference before and after warm lemongrass compress.

It was concluded that a warm lemongrass compress effect on rheumatoid arthritis decrease pain intensity and can be resumed as intervention can be carried out independently by people with rheumatoid arthritis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen one-group pretest-posttets design dengan menggunakan total sampling dengan sampel sebanyak 20 orang, pengumpulan data yang dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan penilaian hasil ukur menggunakan numeric rantingscale NRS dan melalui observasi dengan penilaian hasil ukur menggunakan skala Wong Barker skala wajah, mean intensitas nyeri sebelum kompres serei hangat 4,90 dan setelah dilakukan kompres serei hangat 2, Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan perbedaan intensitas nyeri artritis rheumatoid sebelum.

O artigo apresenta, conforme as fontes pagadoras, os custos diretos médicos relacionados ao tratamento da artrite reumatoide. Muchos adultos en los Estados Unidos tienen artritis. Artritis reumatoidea y síndrome combinado de fibrosis pulmonar y enfisema. Sin embargo, otras enfermedades intersticiales pueden formar parte de este síndrome, entre ellas las asociadas a enfermedades del tejido conectivo.

Se presenta un caso de este síndrome asociado a artritis reumatoidea con la particularidad qu Histopatología de la membrana sinovial en la artritis gotosa. El tratamiento de la artritis gotosa controla parcialmente la enfermedad con efectos secundarios importantes.

Este estudio investigó el efecto de montelukast sobre la concentración de leucotrienos cisteinil y LTB4, interleuci Acrosteolisis severa en artritis gotosa y síndrome de Down. La asociación de gota y síndrome de Down SD es poco frecuente a pesar que ambas enfermedades son comunes en la población general. A continuación se informa el caso de un paciente de sexo masculino de 35 años con SD que consultó por artritis de tres años de evolución, inicial-mente en el quinto y luego en el primer dedo del pie izquierdo.

Debido a la presencia de Early diagnosis and referral to a rheumatologist are positive prognostic factor but diagnosis in many cases is in the hands of primary care physicians PCP. Retrospective study of patients referred by PCP and seen as outpatients at a rheumatology clinic in Patients with referral diagnosis of RA were identified and symptoms, signs, functional capacity and ACR criteria for RA were evaluated by 2 rheumatologists.

Arthritis was symmetrical in X-ray erosions were reported in 6. When using the ACR criteria, A poor clinical evaluation and little support from laboratory and x-rays was noticed. The delay in diagnosis and referral was 3 years, worsening prognosis. Published by Elsevier Espana. Artrite reumatoide e síndrome metabólica Rheumatoid arthritis and metabolic syndrome.

In the past 20 years, the life expectancy of patients with rheumatoid arthritis RA has been shown to be reduced by three to ten years as compared to that of the general population. Currently, cardiovascular disease CVD is the major cause of death in patients with RA, and acute myocardial infarction can be up to four times more frequent in these patients. The autoimmune systemic inflammatory response, along with the presence of metabolic syndrome MetS, doubles the risk for fatal or non-fatal CVD and coronary atherosclerosis, regardless of age and sex.

Rheumatoid arthritis has been associated with increased prevalence of MetS, but its role in the different characteristics of the disease, such as disease duration, activity, and treatment with glucocorticoids, is not well defined. This study aimed at reviewing the prevalence of MetS and the factors implicated in the development of atherosclerosis in RA patients. Septic arthritis SA is a rare, but crucial differential diagnosis in any patient with acute arthritis and is associated with high morbidity and mortality.

Many chronic diseases predispose for the development of SA and poor prognosis. Reports speak of increasing rates of SA due to multiresistant Sua etiologia é complexa e em grande parte desconhecida, porém estudos demonstram a influência de fatores genéticos e ambientais em sua patogênese.

Devido à forte influência genética, familiares de pacientes com AR formam um grupo de risco para o desenvolvimento da doença, principalmente em sua forma mais grave. Apesar de seu elevado potencial incapacitante, o curso da AR pode ser modificado por meio do diagnóstico precoce e do manejo adequado do paciente.

It is characterized by the inflammation of. Polimorfismo de los alelos de los antígenos de leucocitos humanos HLA-DRB1 y su asociación con la artritis reumatoidea juvenil en una muestra de niños mestizos colombianos. Full Text Available Se buscó tipificar molecularmente los alelos de los antígenos de leucocitos humanos HLADRB1 en un grupo de niños mestizos colombianos población resultante de la mezcla genética de amrindios, europeos y africanos con artritis reumatoidea juvenil ARJ, así como analizar su frecuencia de expresión chicas en new port richey library directory compararla con sujetos clínicamente normales e investigar la asociación entre la frecuencia de los alelos con los diferentes subgrupos clínicos de ARJ.

El estudio involucró 65 pacientes con ARJ y 65 controles sanos. Malo, París, en Nuestros resultados sugieren que los genes del MHC en este subgrupo étnico inciden no sólo en la susceptibilidad a desarrollar ARJ sino también en la expresión cl. Dentro de los diagnósticos diferenciales se encuentran las enfermedades reumatológicas.

El objetivo de esta presentación es dar a conocer las diversas formas de AIJ y los principales hallazgos clínicos y de laboratorio que pueden orientar al clínico acerca de estas enfermedades y así iniciar un tratamiento oportuno que asegure un buen pronóstico de la enfermedad.

Extra-virgin olive oil and its phenolic extract prevent inflammatory response and joint damage in murine experimental arthritis; El aceite de oliva extra virgen y su fracción polifenólica previenen la respuesta inflamatoria y el daño articular en un modelo de artritis experimental en murino. A wide range of evidence indicates that the phenolic compounds present in EVOO are endowed with anti-inflammatory properties.

On day 21, the mice received a booster injection. We have demonstrated that EVOO and its PE decreases joint edema, cell migration, cartilage degradation and bone erosion. These results support the interest of natural diet components in the development of therapeutic products for arthritic conditions. Una amplia gama de pruebas indica que los compuestos fenólicos presentes en el AOVE tienen propiedades anti-inflamatorias. En el día 21, los ratones recibieron una inyección de refuerzo.

Hemos demostrado que el AOVE y su FP disminuyen conjuntamente el edema, la migración celular, la degradación del cartílago y erosión ósea. Gout is a disorder of purine metabolism, usually associated with recurrent bouts of arthritis in the joints of the lower limbs, affecting men 40 to 50 years of age, which leads to the development of subcutaneous tophi in patients with long-lasting disease. Cases of patients with chronic gouty arthritis mimicking rheumatoid arthritis, and vice-versa, are rare.

This report describes the case of a year old male with symmetric, deforming, and polyarticular arthritis affecting, specially, the joints of the hands and wrists, with diffuse subcutaneous nodules throughout his body, atypical radiographic findings, and urolithiasis.

Following clinical evaluation and additional tests, this patient received a diagnosis of chronic tophaceous gout mimicking mutilating rheumatoid arthritis. Caracterización de la enfermedad de la artritis y encefalitis caprina en las provincias de Salta y Jujuy. A fin de caracterizar la presencia de enfermedades en las majadas caprinas del noroeste argentino, se llevó a cabo una encuesta sanitaria a productores, con toma de muestras biológicas para el diagnóstico de enfermedades en la que fue incluida CAEV.

Characterization of caprine arthritis-encephalitis disease in Salta and Jujuy provinces. Caprine arthritis and encephalitis virus CAEV may present different clinical symptoms, with arthritis being the most common. In order to characterize the presence of diseases in goats from the Argentinean chicas en new port richey library directory, a sanitary survey was carried out to producers, with biological sampling for the diagnosis of diseases in which CAEV was included.

A serological analysis was performed with an indirect ELISA and was completed with a general clinical examination of the animals and a necropsy sample collection of some of the cases. In the Province of Salta, three establishments were positive, with a prevalence of 6. Tratamento da artrite reumatoide no Sistema Unico de Saude, Brasil: Calculou-se o gasto médio mensal per capita para cada ano de seguimento e fatores que o influenciaram.

O tratamento medicamentoso para artrite reumatoide constituiu a principal despesa no SUS, com elevado impacto econômico devido chicas en new port richey library directory infliximabe.

Artritis séptica del pubis en dos deportistas Septic arthritis of the pubic symphysis in two athletes. Debe hacerse el diagnóstico diferencial con la osteítis d Anti-inflammatory activity of two varieties of pumpkin seed oil in an adjuvant arthritis model in rats; Actividad antiinflamatoria de chicas en new port richey library directory variedades de aceite de semillas de calabaza en un modelo de artritis adyuvante en ratas.

The aim of the present research was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of pumpkin seed oils PSOs of an Egyptian and European variety, in a rat model of adjuvant arthritis. Chromosomal aberration, sperm shape abnormalities, and DNA fragmentations are cytogenetic parameters which aid in tracing inflammatory and oxidative activity.

Administration of low and high doses of either Egyptian or European PSO improved all the aforementioned parameters with variable degrees. Impacto de la enfermedad cardiovascular en los costos de hospitalización de pacientes con artritis reumatoidea. Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar las causas y los costos directos de hospitalización de pacientes con artritis reumatoidea, establecer la morbilidad asociada y evaluar su impacto sobre los costos de la hospitalización.

Para tal fin, se revisaron las historias clínicas y los registros del Departamento de Estadística y Contabilidad de todos los pacientes con artritis reumatoidea admitidos a la Clínica Universitaria Bolivariana en Medellín, en el periodo comprendido entre enero de y junio chicas en new port richey library directory Se hospitalizaron 41 pacientes en 62 oportunidades 0,34 hospitalizaciones por paciente por año.

Full Text Available This study addresses the role of psychofortigenic factors in maintaining quality of life in elderly people diagnosed with either rheumatoid arthritis or Alzheimer's disease.

Opsomming Hierdie studie handel oor die rol wat psigofortigene faktore speel in die handhawing van lewenskwaliteit deur bejaardes wat gediagnoseer is met rumatoïede artritis of Alzheimer se siekte. This is a reduced version of the abstract. Please refer to PDF for full text. Èt systematisk review og to randomiseret klinisk kontrolleret studier RCT.

Although rare, rheumatoid pneumoconiosis, also known as Caplan's syndrome, can occur in workers exposed to silica, as well as in patients with silicosis, coal workers' pneumoconiosis or asbestosis. Prevalence is higher among patients with silicosis, despite the fact that it was originally described in coal workers with pneumoconiosis.

The classical finding that defines this syndrome is that of rheumatoid nodules in the lungs, regardless of whether there are small rounded opacities suggestive of pneumoconiosis or large opacities consistent with massive pulmonary fibrosis, with or without clinical rheumatoid arthritis.

We describe the case. A artrite reumatoide AR é uma doença autoimune crônica incapacitante, que acarreta perda da qualidade de vida e elevado impacto econômico para os pacientes e para a sociedade.

Osteoporose na artrite reumatoide: Full Text Available A osteoporose é uma característica extra-articular bem estabelecida da artrite reumatoide AR. Foi utilizado um aparelho de ultrassonografia US com transdutor de alta frequência. Segurança do uso de terapias biológicas para o tratamento de artrite reumatoide e espondiloartrites. Os temas selecionados pelos especialistas participantes, sobre os quais foram estabelecidas considerações quanto à segurança do uso de drogas biológicas, foram: Os pacientes com diagnóstico de artrite reumatoide AR apresentam risco aumentado de infecções.

Estudo transversal incluindo pacientes da coorte Brasília de AR inicial. O processo patológico que explique a AR ainda permanece desconhecido. Los patrones de inestabilidad cervical asociados a la artritis reumatoidea son: El tratamiento de la AR es fundamentalmente médico. Los medicamentos y esquemas actuales podrían prevenir o retardar la aparición de alteraciones a nivel atlanto-axial.

Esto, junto con la intervención temprana, ayudaría a reducir las complicaciones peri-operatorias. A Artrite Reumatóidea AR afeta milhões de pessoas no mundo. O tratamento da AR é fundamentalmente médico. Potenciais interações medicamentosas em pacientes com artrite reumatoide Potential drug interactions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Os pacientes foram acompanhados mensalmente, por meio de fichas. Todas as potenciais interações estavam relacionadas a metotrexato. The term polypharmacy, meaning the concomitant use of multiple medications by one individual, has been widely reported in institutionalized or elderly patients.

It can, however, occur in patients with chronic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis RA. To quantify polypharmacy in a group of RA patients and to assess the. Depressive symptoms in rheumatoid arthritis Sintomas depressivos em pacientes com artrite reumatoide.

To determine the prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptoms in patients with rheumatoid arthritis a chronic inflammatory disease in comparison to a control group with osteoarthritis a chronic non-inflammatory degenerative disease and to identify the sociodemographic and clinical variables associated with depressive symptoms in these patients. Sixty-two rheumatoid arthritis patients and 60 osteoarthritis patients participated in the study.

Sociodemographic and clinical data were collected and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Disability Index of the Health Assessment Questionnaire were applied. The prevalence of depressive symptoms was of The prevalence of anxiety symptoms was of The mean and standard deviation scores in the Disability Index of the Health Assessment Questionnaire were 1. Rheumatoid arthritis patients with depressive symptoms had lower education and higher disease activity and functional disability.

Although these two rheumatic diseases are similar in terms of the pain and functional disability that they cause, a significantly higher prevalence of depressive symptoms was found in rheumatoid arthritis patients. This difference might be explained by the hypothesis of a neuroimmunobiological mechanism related to cytokines in inflammatory diseases, which has been considered as a candidate to the development of depressive symptoms.

Debe hacerse el diagnóstico diferencial con la osteítis del pubis que es una condición inflamatoria estéril. La punción guiada por imagen suele ser necesaria para el diagnóstico diferencial con la osteítis del pubis. Se recomiendan antibióticos por 6 semanas. Se presentan dos casos de osteomielitis del pubis por S. Ambos pacientes eran jóvenes y deportistas. Septic arthritis of the pubic symphysis, so called osteomyelitis pubis is the infection which involves pubic symphysis and its joint.

It is a rare condition, representing less than one percent of all cases of osteomyelitis. It affects most frequently young athletes and women undergoing gynecologic or urologic surgery. It presents itself with fever and pubic pain which irradiates to the genitals and increases when hip is mobilized, and this fact produces gait claudication. Differential diagnosis should be made with pubic osteitis, which is a sterile inflammatory condition. Diagnosis is based on clinic. Artrodesis C1C2 con tornillos transarticulares en artritis reumatoidea: Describir los resultados clínicos e imagenológicos utilizando la técnica de fijación C1 C2 con tornillos transarticulares y asas de alambre en pacientes portadores de AR en un seguimiento a largo plazo y revisar la literatura actual.

Se registró Índice de Ranawat pre y posoperatorio, Distancia Anterior Atlas Odontoides DAAO pre y posoperatorio, tiempo operatorio, días de hospitalización, complicaciones intra y posoperatorias y tiempo de consolidación radiológica, con un seguimiento promedio de 34 meses.

Todos los pacientes presentaron mejoría del Índice de Ranawat en el postoperatorio. No se presentaron complicaciones intraoperatorias. El tiempo de consolidación fue en promedio 14 semanas. La artrodesis atlantoaxial con tornillos y amarras es una buena alternativa para el manejo de la inestabilidad C1-C2 en pacientes portadores de AR, consiguiendo buenos resultados clínicos e imagenológicos en un seguimiento a largo plazo.

O seguimento médio foi de 34 meses. Present the long term clinical and radiological results in C1-C2 transarticular screws technique with posterior wiring in RA patients and presenting the current literature review. From toeleven patients 9 women and 2 men with RA and C1-C2 instability underwent C1-C2 arthrodesis with transarticular screws plus posterior wiring and autologous iliac crest bone graft. A retrospective chart and radiographic review was performed.

Ranawat Index was recorded in pre- and post-operative, as well as anterior atlantodental interval AADI, operating time, days of hospitalization and complications.

The mean follow up FU was 34 months. All patients presented improved Ranawat Index at follow up. The average operating time was 94 minutes and the average days of hospitalization was 7 days. No intra-operative complications were found. Post-operative seroma was found in one case and surgical drainage was required. All patients achieved solid fusion at 14 weeks in average. C1-C2 arthrodesis with transarticular screws plus posterior wiring and autologous bone graft is a good alternative for atlantoaxial instability due RA, with good clinical and radiographic outcomes.

Adalimumabe no tratamento da artrite reumatoide: Onze artigos referentes ao adalimumabe foram incluídos e contemplaram nove estudos com pacientes. Como consequência, a qualidade de vida do indivíduo melhorou. Pain treatment in rheumatoid arthritis and evidence-based medicine. Consenso da Sociedade Brasileira de Reumatologia para o tratamento da artrite reumatoide Brazilian Society of Rheumatology Consensus for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Elaborar recomendações para o tratamento da artrite reumatoide no Brasil. To elaborate recommendations for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in. Lavado articular en el tratamiento de la artrosis de la rodilla: El Lavado Articular LA es una medida terapéutica utilizada para el tratamiento de la patología articular, sobre articulaciones accesibles y desarrollada fundamentalmente en la patología de rodilla.

El efecto del LA ha sido estudiado en pocas indicaciones concretas: Los objetivos de esta tesis son: Perfil de utilización de los anti-factor de necrosis tumoral en pacientes de Colombia. El costo directo del tratamiento se consideró elevado para el sistema sanitario del país. Resultados artigos foram inicialmente identificados, dos quais apenas 40 relacionavam-se diretamente ao tema. Quando realizado precocemente, PET pode predizer a resposta terapêutica. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar fatores clínicos e laboratoriais associados à atividade de doença, capacidade funcional e dano radiológico em pacientes com AR, participantes dessa coorte.

Foram incluídos 32 pacientes, com tempo médio de início da doença de meses. In recent years, mediators synthesized in the adipose tissue, the so-called adipokines, have been described. They have a hormonal action, regulating appetite and glucose metabolism, but also act as cytokines with effects on the immune system, including effects on autoimmunity. The most important adipokines are leptin, adiponectin, resistin and visfatin, and some of them have been assessed in autoimmune rheumatic diseases, especially systemic lupus erythematosus SLE and rheumatoid arthritis RA.

Studies have shown high levels of leptin and adiponectin in SLE, but correlation with disease activity is questionable. In RA, studies have also reported increased levels of leptin and adiponectin, and correlation with disease activity and joint erosion, but the results are confl icting. This review describes the role of leptin and adiponectin on the immune system, as well as on SLE and RA.

Consenso da Sociedade Brasileira de Reumatologia sobre o manejo de comorbidades em pacientes com artrite reumatoide Brazilian Society of Rheumatology Consensus on the management of comorbidities in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Servicio de noticias medicas y farmacéuticas. Intervenções de enfermagem para o cuidado de pacientes com artrite: Esta revisión integradora tuvo como objetivo analizar la literatura científica relacionada con los cuidados de enfermería en pacientes con artritis.

Los resultados indican la efectividad de la musicoterapia, la estimulación eléctrica neuromuscular, toque terapéutico y la imaginación guiada asociada con la relajación, para el tratamiento del dolor. Ser tratado por una enfermera especialista aumentó la satisfacción con la atención, la mejora del impacto de la enfermedad y aumentar la demanda de servicios de salud.

Los programas específicos de educación para personas con artritis estimulado ejercicios físicos y los destinados a las personas con enfermedades crónicas en general. Foram estabelecidas 12 recomendações: To elaborate recommendations to the vaccination of patients with rheumatoid arthritis RA in Brazil.

Literature review and opinion of expert members of the Brazilian Society of Rheumatology Committee of Rheumatoid Arthritis and of an invited pediatric rheumatologist. O Protocolo Clínico e Diretrizes Terapêuticas PCDT para o tratamento da AR descreve o esquema terapêutico para a patologia, inclusive com as anticitocinas adalimumabe, etanercepte ou infliximabe.

Foi realizado um estudo transversal tomando como referência o mês de março de Calculou-se também o custo mensal com anticitocinas para o SUS. The Clinical Protocol and Therapeutic Guidelines for the treatment of rheumatoid. Durante um ano foram selecionados pacientes com artrite reumatoide AR, classificados de acordo com os critérios do American College of Rheumatology de Setenta e três foram excluídos por apresentarem algum fator de risco para outras causas de vasculopatias.

Cinquenta e sete foram incluídos no estudo sem fator de risco para outras causas de vasculopatia, dos quais 17 apresentavam VR de acordo com os critérios de de Scott e Bacon.

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During one year we selected patients with rheumatoid arthritis RA classified according to the American College of Rheumatology, All patients underwent a clinical and laboratory questionnaire to exclude other causes of. Smerte og smertemestring ved juvenil idiopatisk artritis. Pain is one of the primary symptoms of juvenile idiopathic arthritis JIA. JIA patients have reduced pain tolerance and pain threshold compared to healthy controls.

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In children with JIA the greater use of coping strategies such as problem-solving, positive self-statements and distraction consist Biologisk terapi ved juvenil idiopatisk artritis.

In recent years the treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis JIA has undergone marked changes. There is substantial evidence that inhibitors of tumor necrosis factor alpha TNFalpha like etanercept, infliximab and adalimumab show significant efficacy when standard therapy fails, and long-ter The rheumatoid factor Chicas en new port richey library directory is the most common antibody found in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

It is an inflammatory chronic disease characterized by articular involvement, inflammation of synovial fluid, tissue infiltration by leucocytes and joint destruction, which ultimately determine articular deformities.

The aim of this research was to compare immunoturbidimetric and latex agglutination methods for the detection of RF in serum. The immunoturbidimetric method displayed sensitivity The study allowed to demonstrate that both immunoturbidimetric and latex agglutination methods equally discriminate between negative and positive serum samples for RF.

Although many researchers suggest that preprocessor-based variability amplifies maintenance problems, there is little to no hard evidence on how actually variability affects programs and programmers. Specifically, how does variability affect programmers during maintenance tasks bug finding in particular How much harder is it to debug a program as variability increases? How do developers debug programs with variability? In what ways does variability affect bugs?

From the program and bug perspective, the results show that variability is ubiquitous. There appears to be no specific nature of variability bugs that could The study of stellar pulsations is a major route to the understanding of stellar structure and evolution.

Children's thinking is highly variable at every level of analysis, from neural and associative levels to the level of strategies, theories, and other aspects of high-level cognition. This variability exists within people as well as between them; individual children often rely on different strategies or representations on closely related problems…. Dichos factores de personalidad facilitarían la prevención terciaria al mejorar el ajuste psicológico y evitar la comorbilidad.

The most important topics in the theory and application of complex variables receive a thorough, coherent treatment in this introductory text.

Intended for undergraduates or graduate students in science, mathematics, and engineering, this volume features hundreds of solved examples, exercises, and applications designed to foster a complete understanding of complex variables as well as an appreciation of their mathematical beauty and elegance.

Prerequisites are minimal; a three-semester course in calculus will suffice to prepare students for discussions of these topics: A critical review of variable stars is presented. A fairly complete summary of major developments and discoveries during the period is given. The broad developments and new trends are outlined. Essential problems for future research are identified. A caution to mathematics professors: Complex Variables does not follow conventional outlines of course material.

One reviewer noting its originality wrote: He can go to class without preparation. Flanigan treats this most important field of contemporary mathematics in a most unusual way. While all the material for an advanced undergraduate or first-year graduate course is covered, discussion.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Neuropsychology, Depression and Anxiety. A case - control study Portuguese Female subjects. Full Text Available Objetivos: El presente estudio pretende registrar el nivel de impacta en las funciones cognitivas de la Artritis Reumatoide AR en una muestra de pacientes portugueses.

En un estudio de caso-control, chicas en new port richey library directory comparan los resultados de 60 pacientes femeninos con artritis reumatoide grupo de estudio y un grupo de mujeres de similar edad y escolaridad como grupo control.

Todas las participantes fueron evaluadas con pruebas de atención selectiva ritmica auditiva, prueba de generación de lista de palabra, bateria neuropsicológ ica de Lu ria Ne braska, una prueba portug uesa de valoración de síntomas depresivos IACLlDE, el STAI prueba valoración de ansiedad y el Mini Mental Test. Este artículo busca llamar la atención, desde una perspectiva psicoeducativa, sobre la importancia de un apoyo activo en la implementación de estimulación cognitiva, intervención psicoterapéutica y refuerzo de la intervención neuropsicológica en pacientes con Artritis Reumatoide.

Data on efficacy and safety of treatment were collected in literature, and costs were calculated on the amounts spent by the Government for each treatment. A Markov model was performed to get the cost-effectiveness of each treatment. The incremental cost-effectiveness relationship ICER compared to a standard treatment was also calculated for each anticytokine. Sensitivity analysis and discount rates were applied.

Mecanismos de la aterosclerosis y enfermedad cardiovascular en enfermedades autoimnunes sistémicas: Las enfermedades autoinmunes son el resultado de una interacción entre factores genéticos predisponentes, una alteración del sistema inmune y factores ambientales desencadenantes. Numerosos estudios epidemiológicos han demostrado que patologías autoinmunes sistémicas como la Artritis Reumatoide ARel Síndrome Antifosfolípido SAFy el Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico LESpresentan una elevada incidencia de eventos cardiovasculares y aterosclerosis y, como consecuencia, altos ratios de mort Infecciones urinarias y sepsis urológica: El interés actual sobre la sepsis ha aumentado considerablemente, al igual que los conocimientos sobre la misma, debido sobre todo al descubrimiento de anomalías inflamatorias como causa de la morbimortalidad asociada a la sepsis; a la alteración en la síntesis de mediadores inflamatorios en afecciones tan dispares como: This invention describes an automatic variable collimator which controls the width and thickness of X-ray beams in X-ray diagnostic medical equipment, and which is particularly adapted for use with computerized axial tomographic scanners.

A two-part collimator is provided which shapes an X-ray beam both prior to its entering an object chicas en new port richey library directory to radiographic analysis and after the attenuated beam has passed through the object. Juan Letran 13; serv- ices, 11 a. Sunday; testimonial meetings, 5 p. Gen- eral treasurer, L. Official pa- per, "Abogado Christiano. Consists of 10 men in charge of Presbyterian schools, con- gregations and publications in Mex- ico.

Official paper, "El Faro. Colegio Ninas 2 ; in charge of Marist fathers. Services, Sunday, in Spanish, 6 to 8 a. North side Chicas en new port richey library directory ; Holy Metropolitan Church of Mex- ico, begun incompleted ; third largest in the world ; has 14 chapels. Iglesia de Jesus, Calle Hospital de Jesus. Jesus Marfa, Calle Jesus Maria.

Juan de Dios, S. La Profesa, 3a S. La Soledad, Calle Soledad. Sagario Metropolitano, east of and ad- joining Cathedral. San Francisco, la S. San Felipe de Jesus, la S. The above cut represents a combination of live units with top and base.

No office is complete without one. On streets of same name: Consul John Black ; the first meeting was held Jan. The society has two distinct branches a the Relief Fund and b the Amer.

Ward, directors ; Fred A. Branch of American Benevolent So- ciety, organized in as a result of the death from smallpox of the manager of an excursion to Mexico. Two hundred thousand dollars has since been expended on the property. These representatives are J. Johnstone, for locomotive en- gineers of the M. Hulver- shorn, German Benev.

The executive com- mittee: Organized to render assistance to distressed British subjects ; execu- tive committee, the president' of the fund, the British minister ; vice- president, Capt.

Whcatley, medical and relief officer, Alameda 9. Ladies' auxiliary com- mittee, Mrs. The members visit regularly pen- sioners assisted by the fund.

Pay It Forward: New Port Richey Public Library Seed Lending Library and Market

The annual chicas en new port richey library directory ings are held the second Friday in February. Schiefer ; secy, and mem- ber of American Hospital Assn. Bauermeis- ter ; Win. Member of the American Hospital Assn. Freiifli ii ud Swiss Society. Espiritu Santo 12 ; cemetery, I-a Piedad road. Seminario 6 ; secy.

Bol- boa ; cemetery, 'Panteon Espanol," on the Tacuba road. Meet- ings in the Maison Doree every three months ; lot in the Spanish ceme- tery. Lawrence Shields, house surgeon, tel. Netterburg, matron ; Miss Gertrude Woods, head nurse ; Mrs. Chris- tie and Mr. Schmitz, apothecary ; hospital telephone, Nino Perdido 17, tel. Leopoldo Coste, surgeon ; M. Cer- vantes, head nurse ; tel.

Tajon, surgeon in charge ; office hours, 8 to 9 a. Employes are given free treat- ment in American Hospital. One-half mile in rear of Colonia station ; supported by assessment of employes' salaries ; Dr. Lowery, local surgeon ; Miss Kate S. Divino Salvador insane womenCa- noa 9, tel. Foundling Asylum, 2a Merced 3. General, Colonia Hidalgo, tel. Maternity Hospital, Revillagigedotel.

Milltar militaryPlzla. Juan de Dios, tel. San Hip61ito insane menS. Valdivieso OphthalmologicalS. Occupyingsquare feet of space, H. Na- tional Cemetery in San Rafael to all burials except the soldier dead and their families. A 1 1 act of land was purchased near the historic town of Tacuba, about:: By a special concession from the. The grounds of the new cemetery have been beautifully laid out, and, as it appears to-day, it embodies the care- ful work of nearly two years, and compares well with the best Ameri- can and European cemeteries.

The management has displayed great originality in laying out the grounds, which have more the ap- pearance of a beautiful park than a cheerless burial ground ; and at the same time the site is invested with all the sacredness pertaining to a burial place for the dead. The present officials and Board of Di- rectors of the association are: Gorsuch, dean of the American colony ; sec- ond vice-pres.

Hull, of Hull's Printing House; C. Me Viekar, furniture manufacturer; J. Moylan, contractor, and M. Boss, a prominent mining man of the Republic. The manager chicas en new port richey library directory W. Vail, formerly editor of the Two Republics. All Americans who die here in an Im- poverished condition are furnished burial place free of charge. Situated at Tlaxpana gate, on Tacuba road, adjoining the U. Owned by the British Cemetery Association.

Robertson and Richard Honey, trustees ; T. Phil- lips, first trustee and treas. Tacuba road, San Rafael. Only piece of ground owned by the TJ. Contains graves of soldiers killed in the war of '47, over whose remains a monument has been erect- ed. Closed for burial purposes, ex- chicas en new port richey library directory to remains of old soldiers and their families. West of Tacu- baya. Contains tomb of Juarez and other patriots. Cemeteries in localities of same name: Campo Florido, Salinas, Los An- geles.

HIS newly established restaurant, at the foot of the historic castle of Chapultepec, offers to persons of discriminating tastes a most pleas- ing combination: Cuisine of the very first class. Are given under the direction of the best-known Musical Directors of the City. Electric Cars run at frequent intervals from the City. The iltys Jargesc park. Hands play Thursday and Sunday morning and afternoon. Center of the city's official life. In the Zocalo, in its center, the peo- ple's park, bands play Thursday and Sunday morning and afternoon.

Conveniently placed here is the beautiful Restau- rant Chapultepec, of glass and steel. Newly im- proved drive from the Paseo Buca- reli to Chapultepec. Entrance to Paseo de la Reforma. Entrance to Pa- seo de la Reforma. San Fernando Ceme- tery. Old Volador mar- ket, southeast corner Plaza Mayor. Begins near Plazuela San Pablo, extends southeast.

Reached by car lines. Abandoned monastery, 16 miles s. Church contains miraculous painting of Vir- gin. Brick manufacturing sub- urb, 8 miles s. Noche Trlste tree, under which Cortes spent the night of his retreat from Mexico City. Cotton manufacturing and residence sub- urb.

All seeking repose and diversion, the well and the ill, are equally welcome. Large airy rooms and corridors, all on ground floor, with outside windows. The purest of spring water conducted to house in pipes. Table specially supplied with best the markets afford. Having our gardens for supply chicas en new port richey library directory fine vegetables and fruits. We raise and make a specialty for our table large quantities of strawberries. The Real Estate Co.

These lands we are sub-dividing and selling in any size tract that the purchaser may desire. Before making an investment in the Republic of Mexico, call and see our lists of large and small tracts in all parts of Mexico; also business and residence property.

View of the four volcanoes Orizaba. Mellche, Popocatepetl, and Ixtaccihuatl. Famous for its hot springs and the beautiful drawn work. First view of Malt rat a Valley. Road de- scends 3, ft. Near base of Popocatepetl and Ixtacci- huatl, the ascent of which is made from here.

Chicas en new port richey library directory health resort in the hot country ; sulphur springs, drives, flowers. One of the prettiest, cleanest, healthiest towns in Mexico: The summer home of Cortes and Maxi- milian: Two unusually good hotels the Cuernavaca Sanitarium and chicas en new port richey library directory Hotel Moivlos. First lass hotels and sanitarium. Oldest and most famous mining city of Mexi- co: Ten hours from Mexico, on Kl Gran Pacifico.

Former seat of Toiler power. Ke ireat of Ilurhide. Just beyond Iguala Cafion, the deepest caflon in Mexico, through which the road runs. Veracruz and the Gulf Coast, 70 miles away, 4, ft. All- year resort ; delightful climate ; duck shooting, boating, bathing, first-class hotel the "Arzapalo. Important seaport; the loca- tion now of important harbor and sewer works. Two years with Orrin's Circus, City of Mexico.

Fencing Swords and Foils. Mexico's most unique enterprise is her winter circus, the Circo-Teatro Or- rin, which has been the capital's dis- tinctive amusement feature for near- ly 20 years. There is nothing like it in the world possibly in no other city in the world could it attain the great success it has attained in Mexico. It is a combination of a regular "ring show" and vaudeville theatre, with a dash of Bohemian- ism pervading it all.

There is something wonderfully fascinating to the tourist in the brilliantly lighted 'Circo" to listen, perhaps, to an operatic selection by Parisian singers, to see a whirling vision of Viennese dancers, and then sudden- ly to be spattered with sawdust from the hoofs of the bare-backed horse of a dashing American girl rider.

Yet all this is quite cus- tomary at Orrin's. The building, a handsome iron and stone affair, was built by Orrin Brothers, the proprietors, after de- signs of their own. It is a com- bination structure, under whose domed main hall tiers of seats, bro- ken by a row of boxes, and capable of j accommodating 3, people, are ar- ranged in amphitheatre form.

In the j center of the rounding rows of seats j is a regulation circus ring, just as I big as the "Greatest on Earth," but i without the disagreeable accompani- ments of obscuring poles and ropes and pulleys. In the comfortable chairs or chicas en new port richey library directory, it is like seeing the show from one's parlor window. But there are other combinations still. The tiers of orchestra seats have separate cuts every 10 feet, and are so mounted on wheels that, within 20 minutes' time, they may be de- tached and rolled back under the higher tier of boxes above, complete- ly disappearing from view.

Over the vacant space and the circus ring a floor is laid, and the result is a vast level ballroom, with boxes all around, and here are held the great American Charity Balls on Thanks- giving night and the Fourth of July, when the building is generously do- nated for the occasion by the Messrs.

The town season of the Circus is dur- ing the winter months, when Mexico City is gayest. In late January, usually, the season begins. The opening night at "Orrin's" sees the boxes a mass of kaleidoscopic color and the foyer the meeting place for every one "Who's who" in Mexico.

The circus season lasts until late in May, when the "Circo" proper tours the Republic, and Spanish and Italian dramatic and operatic com- panies fill the house. The Orrin Brothers are Americans, whom their enterprise has made in- dependently chicas en new port richey library directory, and who are among the most influential men in Mexico, not only in the colony, but among Mexicans of standing.

In great measure their popularity has been brought about not by the circus alone, but by their generous contri- butions to charity. For instance, the performance for the 74 The picture shows a bit of the patio of this palatial Casino, the most pretentious of the down-town resorts. The Club has a buffet-bar, lately supplemented by a well-appointed restaurant.

The number is Zuleta It is this sort of thing that makes the name of Orrin a word with which to conjure. A feature of Orrin's is "Dick" Bell, 40 years a clown, and half that time with Orrin's. The Orrin man- ager is Fred Hodgson, whose perso- nal popularity chicas en new port richey library directory managerial abil- ity are strong features.

Performances are given at 8: Thurs- days and Sundays. Open Sundays and holidays. Lately acquired by the government ; now in course of re- building ; to become the most elabo- rate theatre in the city. Double for opera and star attractions.

Per- formances, 4 p. Caspar de Alba, mgr. Jose Real ; Salon de Va- riedades, 2a S. The national game of Spain. Bet- ting on the games is the chief at- traction. One company owns the two Frontones. Rogelio Zubelio Zubiri, mgr. On La Piedad road, a continuation of the Paseo de Bu- careli ; capacity, 18, ; diameter of ring, in the clear, feet.

Six bulls are killed at each fight dur- ing the season from October to April. Fights occur on Sundays and Feast Days- only, beginning prompt- ly at 3 p. Management changes with each performance. Sun- days and Thursdays, at 3 p. Fights are an adjunct of the fre- quent fairs in suburban towns in the spring. Santa Maria de la Rivera. Plaza Mayor, Chapul- tepec, Glorieta Colon. Roulette and Monte are played in all ; baccarat is played after 12 midnight ; stud pokor is played at Cosmopolitan Club.

The limit is the bank roll of the house. The most richly furnished ; has res- taurant, etc. Open from 4 p. The game is becoming very popular in Mexico, especially since the vis- its, last summer, of professional players from the United States. The largest billiard hall in the city and Republic is the Iturbide, which occupies the larger part of the downstairs portion of the Itur- bide Hotel, with entrance on San Francisco street.

Generally observed by close of busi- ness in afternoon: Circumcision of the Saviour, R. Emperor's birthday Ger- man. Purification, one-half day, R. Promulgation of Constitu- tion, N. Viernes de Dolores Flow- er day. Saturday of Glory, R. Victory of Puebla Garrison,X. American Independence Day, obs. Fall chicas en new port richey library directory Bastile, obs. National day of mourning for Juarez. National day of mourning for Hidalgo.

Birthday of Diaz, gen.

chicas en new port richey library directory

Entry of Italian army into. All Saints' Chicas en new port richey library directory, gen. All Soul's Day, gen. Guadalupe day practically N. Of the nine larger clubs in Mexico City, the members of the American and British clubs, most of the members of the Jockey Club, and perhaps half the members of the German clubs, speak English.

The other clubs include two French, the Spanish, and the National Club. Officers, elected December 24, Ward, 1st vice-pres- ident; E. Shorter, treasurer; directors, J. Lamm, Henry Mel, C. A list of members follows. The American Am- bassador.

Na- tionality is American unless other- wise indicated by B. Hay, apdo B. Diego 6 Barnes H. Coliseo Viejo 21 M. Gante 8 Boss M. Juarez Braden H. Francisco 12 Cartland T. Coliseo Nuevo 10 Davis J. Juarez De Gress W. Coliseo Nuevo 10 Dobson A. Coliseo Vie jo chicas en new port richey library directory B. Francisco 8 Fernandez A. Francisco 8 Goetz P. Cadena 8 Gordon Hugh la Indpndncia 22 B. I apdo Hamer L. Juarez 4 Harnecker L. Isabel 12 Heimke Wm. Madrid Hill G. Francisco 12 Hudson C.

Francisco 14 Ingersoll H. Plza Concepcion Jackson J. Coliseo Viejo 2 Kelley B. Cadena 23 Kendrick W. Madrid Lamm L. Eliseo 50 Lawton H. Kstaciones 3 Lemmens J. It urbide Hotel M '! Coliseo Viejo 13 i IJ. Francisco 12 Moylan J. MS Munox Landoro M.

Iturbide Hotel Nolan P. Paris 36 Palmer G. Ortega 28 Pii'ive G. Gante 14 Rice J. Hopkins House Schaefer W. Gante 14 Sepulveda I. Cadena 11 Sercombe P. Juarez 6 Shorter C. Juan Letran 3 Simon S. Francisco 13 Thayer F. Juan Letran 1 Upton E. Espiritu Santo 7 Vail W. Morelos 25 Van Blarcom E. Estaciones 3 Veale W. Hopkins House Weston W.

Cadena 11 Williams A.

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Centro Mercantil Young A. Ubero, Oaxaca Bibb R. Rosario, Sinaloa Bradley W. Monterey Dillon Frank A. New York Hall W. Juan Evangelista Hambleton S. Ahome, Sinaloa Judd J. Monterey Kern ion C. Juan Evangelist a Mart- E.

Ixt lachuiii a Moore II. New York Qualey J. New York Sahlberg A. El Oro Ward II. Orizaba Non-Resident Members "B. Hoffman Adam Home G. Reid Hugo Remington W. The Club has been in existence for a number of years, under other names, its imme- diate predecessor being the Anglo-American.

Members are divided into "Town" and "Country" members. Officers, elected July, Robertson; vice- president and treasurer, J. Anderson; honorary secretary, D.

Harvey, assistant secretary-treasurer, F. Lambert, Paseo Nuevo 2; committee, T. Full list of members, with available post- office addresses: Ortega 28 Bailey E. Ortega 28 Balke J. Chicas en new port richey library directory Alvarado Braniff Thos.

Balderas Brunet J. Banco Central Foote Geo. Juarez 6 Harrison A. Estaclones 3 Lea E. Agustin 20 Xegoyetieh W. Gante 12 Paterson Win.

Brit, flub Chfster A. Gante 8 Dillon Geo. Ortega 28 Elwes II. Gante 8 Gallagher H. Clara 20 Harrison O. Ortega 28 Lieberman W. Pte Alvarado 15 Penny C. Luis Potosi Pitman E. Luis Potcsi Robertson F. Pte Alvarado 15 Vaughn T. Club Von Thaden J. Tornel; treasurer, Alejandro M. List of shareholders is followed by a list of members, with available postoffice addresses. Ada lid Joaqufn, Encarnacion 2 Alcazar K. Patoni 1 Algara Jose, S. No Trouble to Show Goods. Fernando 38 Camacho Fernando.

Guard- iola Escandrtn y Arango A. Guardiola Escandfln y Arango M. Fran- chicas en new port richey library directory 9 Escandon y Barron E. Paris Escandon y Barron M. Paris Escandfin y Barron Pablo. Bernardo 13 Iturbe Miguel, S. Bernardo 13 Iturbe Manuel, S. Buenavista 17 Rinc6n Gallardo E. Alfaro 15 Rincfln Gallardo F. Paris Rinc6n Gallardo J. Hipolito 5 Rinc6n Gallardo P. Loren- zo 5 Alcazar Ramon Jr. Tacubaya Algara y Terreros I. Guardiola Barren Guillermo J.

Pte Alvarado Bartles Walker, Germ. Juarez Body J. Francisco 9 Buch y Echeverria Francisco, Cad -r. Juarez 8 Cafias Eduardo, Jr. Madrid 5 Corvera Marquis, Spanish Legat. Santo 1 Cuevas Eduardo, Clln. Lorenzo 81 Escalante Luis, 2a Indpndncia. Tiburcio 4 Fernandez del Valle M. Agustin 2 Fernandez del Valle F.

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